1000 miles in the saddle and more to come.

This is my first time in New Mexico, but my second time riding out with the growing motorcycle club #HellsNerds.
Here is a video clip from last year’s inaugural motorcycle journey.
When I accepted this years invitation I had no idea how quickly this would turn into another trip of a lifetime.
Desert planes and mountains, album cover vistas and wastelands.
On day one the group of nine got fragmented and three of us found ourselves riding a smooth ribbon of empty road straight through the desert.

I’m riding a borrowed Triumph T120, flies decorate the front, soft luggage adorns the back and I’m one happy SOB in the middle.
Parallel to one of the countries arterial rail routes we drew alongside a monster freight train. The longest I have ever seen. Pushing 90 (allegedly) I turned to see the driver of the train smiling at me. I smiled back and gestured the universal signal for ‘pull the horn’. As we accelerated into triple figures and passed the engine, three thundering blasts could be heard across the planes.
Later in the bar we giggled like children recounting the moment. The film dumb and dumber was recalled.
Whether or not reality is in fact a simulation, out here it’s increasingly feeling like a movie.
I even got to have a beer with Dennis Hopper. Better late than never.

“Just because it happened to you doesn’t mean it’s interesting”
Dennis Hopper