Welcome Christian Hambly. The newest member of the Hells Nerds. Meeting at a Hotel Chocolate outlet store to officially launch the UK Chapter, we grabbed coffee, a sack of bargain chocolate and I handed Christian his membership patch.

It’s easy to join. You just need to be officially invited on a ride out and if you want in, that’s pretty much it. (We might have to consider some epic initiation if things get busy.)
We then took a short ride north to MotoEdit a Motorbike workshop where I plan drop the bike in for some mods.
During the current pandemic it’s great to feel a part of something. Anything. Especially an activity that gets you out on your bike, physically distant from friends, but also together.
As a subculturalist I love how Hells Nerds can scratch the two itches of being nerdy and craving motorcycle adventures. Although on this occasion as I also took some radio tech with me, HAM Radio was also covered. Not sure why amateur radio is not listed on Wikipedia as a subculture. If it was I’d get to tick off 13 separate subcultural interests.
Christian aka Freelance Geek is nerdy every day. It’s his job. In fact he has kindly set up this website for the Hells Nerds MC and I’ve knocked up this temporary logo which is blatantly modified from an aircraft engine manufacturer who briefly made motorbikes in the 20’s.
I’ve got some rough ideas for a more legit logo but if I can confirm this is no longer licensed I might modify it a little more and make it ours.
This website is a work in progress and will evolve as we add more stories of the Hells Nerds in action. Both in the UK and where the club was born, in the US. So check back as things develop.
Once again, welcome to Christian. The newest member of The Hells Nerds, an international and steadily expanding club.
Get in touch if you would like to join.