Crashed my bike.

I thought i’d cross a bloated ford. Legs in the air I committed to it like it was a big puddle and I was on a pushbike.
But it was a little deeper than a puddle. And really slippy. I hit the deck and got a helmet full of water.
The last time I properly crashed a motorbike was two years ago on the Devil’s Highway (Issue 094 of my newsletter ‘Born To Be Mild 10th November 2017).
Maybe the Triumph knew I was planning to get another bike. We have been together now for nine years. Nine years tomorrow. And yet i’ve never named it/her/him. I aim to name my next bike.
Our next car will be electric and I wanted the same for my next bike. But there is no affordable electric bike that suits my needs. Not yet. I’d really like this.

But it’s £21,000.
I think the price will come down in a couple of years but when you can get a Royal Enfield Himalayan for £4000 you’d have to have a lot of spare cash to make the leap to electric. The Himalayan will do 80mpg. I went to see one this week and plan to test drive soon.

I’ll not buy new though. There are plenty of decent bikes looking for new homes.
I need to get to fixing the break pedal after the altercation with the ford. I’m very thankful I didn’t break myself.
Although while running errands for a relative this week I did find out that I can carry crutches on the back of the bike. Hopefully this skill will not come in handy again.